Our HALAL Assurance Management policy means full management commitment to ensuring the HALAL integrity of our products, every step of the way.

We implement the internationally-recognised Quality Management System (QMS) in all farms and poultry processing, certified and in compliance with:

  • Standards of bio-security, good animal husbandry and veterinary health programs established by the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS)
  • Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (myGAP) of livestock
  • Safety and hygiene control processes through the adherence of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Food
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008, (ISO) 22000:2005

We’ve also adopted the Halalan Thoyibban in our manufacturing. All of our products are certified HALAL by JAKIM and are in strict compliance with the Malaysian HALAL Standard MS 1500:2009. The slaughtering chamber in DPP factory is specially designed facing the Kiblat direction.

Dindings Poultry Processing plant is designed to minimise the risk of food and non-halal contamination. We record and control process parameters on a regular basis and also perform quality checks according to hazard analysis. Our waste water treatment facility conforms to strict environmental standards on waste management. Every aspect of food safety, quality, cleanliness and ethics is a top priority for us. This helps ensure every process is free of potential hazards and haram sources.

Visit www.mfm.com.my for more info about HALAL management and policy.